35th & 36th ASEAN MTWG 2018: Meetings and Related Meetings

When I first entered the workforce full time back in 2017, this was my first government pitch that I actually did almost all by myself, and successfully bagged the pitch together with my fellow sales manager and creative director. It was a high-budget pitch, and I'm lucky to have done most of this.
Key visual
(Above) Mock up of the Key Visual done by my creative director, Logos, fonts and colour coding by me.
(Below) Different variations of the meeting Banner for 35th we want to propose.
Besides the Main meetings, there were side meetings as well. Here are some colour variations (not big)
36th Backdrop
(Above) Colour Variants for the backdrop
(Below) 36th Side Meeting colour choosing
Here are other collaterals: Meeting Files, Invitation Cards, Name Tent, Shirts, Tote Bags, Meeting Folders, 
luggage tags, bags.
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