Goyard of Knives
Magazine Publication #1

Goyard of Knives is the feature of a collector's hobby; tactical knives and everyday carry tools, which explores the empowerment (of a woman today) through knives. As I live in a very conservative concrete jungle namely Singapore, it is extremely rare to find a female collector today. The purpose of this project is to share my story of why I started this hobby and through my personal collection; I intend to showcase my journey with a niche community with amazing friends I've made along the way. 

This is a school project, and will not be published anywhere else except this platform or republished to be sold anywhere. This project is developed by Jolin Toh from Glasgow School of Art Singapore.

56pp print publication
Project Management
Concept Development

Size: 19 x 26mm
Gatefold insert in the magazine
Gatefold insert in the magazine
Snippets of the magazine
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